ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

Литиевые электрохимические системы

Searching for Optimal Electrolyte Compo-sitions for Chemical Sources of the Current and Heat- Accumulating Materials on the Ba-sis of Li,K||F,Cl,VO3,MoO4 Five-component Resiprocal System

In modem technological processes increase used molten multicomponent solt mixtures. Determination of the composition and melting temperature are important in application of the compositions, identification of patterns processes occurring during melting and solidification of alloys, as well as the phases in equilibrium at a given thermodynamic conditions, possibly in the study of phase diagrams.

Corrosion and Еlectrochemical Behaviour of Magnesium and Magnesium-Lithium Alloys in Phosphoric Acid Media

The corrosion and electrochemical behavior of magnesium and the MA 21 magnesium-lithium alloys in solutions of moderately acidic phosphates with various additives was studied. The inhibiting effect of nitrate and fluoride ions on the anode dissolution of these objects was revealed. Features of the electrochemical dissolution of magnesium and the magnesium-lithium alloys in nitrate phosphate solutions with fluoride ions caused by their activation-passivation competition have been noted.

Spectral Analysis of Nonharmonic and Polyharmonic Responses of an Electrochemical Object at Impedance Measurements

Possibilities for increasing efficiency of impedance spectral measurements are investigated. It is shown that for determination of linear electrochemical impedance a linearly changing input signal is preferable, and for the quantitative estimation of non-linearity of electrochemical impedance as an input signal it is expedient to use the cosine electric beats. The constructive diagrams of generators of such signals are offered.

Experience of application of sources of the current of system lithium-tionilhlorid in the space-rocket technics

In article experience of application of chemical sources of a current of electrochemical system lithium – tionilchloride and batteries on their basis, in onboard systems of electrosupply of modern and perspective space-rocket technics of Russia is presented.

Electrodes of lithium-ion batteries: some simple method for diagnostics of degradation at cycling

It is shown that an examination of reduced galvanostatic charge-discharge curves allows making preliminary conclusion on degradation mechanism upon cycling. If such degradation is due to loss of active material all normalized curves coincide. In the case of insulating films building up normalized curves are shifted along potential axis. Various structure changes result in qualitative change of curves shape.

Silicon electrodes degradation at cycling

On basis of analysis of literature data as well as of own experimental results we suggest some regularity for degradation of silicon electrodes upon cycling. It was shown that an electrode capacity Q at n-th cycle can be calculated from equation Q = Q0 exp(kn+?n2/2), where Q0 is initial capacity value, k и ? are empiric constants.

The reseiption of composite protective coat for aluminium and their alloys by reversal galvanostatic method

This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro* First pilot samples of composite sheetings based on various metallic matrixes (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni) and ceramic fillers ((Al2O3, Cr2O3, MnO2, Fe3O4, NiO, AlN etc.) were obtained by means of the reverse galvanostatic technique.

Calculation of capacity given by sealed nickel-cadmium accumulators at different discharging currents

It is has been shown that the generalized Peukert equation gives the best result when calculating the capacity given by sealed nickel-cadmium accumulators at different discharging currents.

Development of technological principles for designing a valve-regulated Ni-MH battery of the NMG type

The results of the design of a fully-tight Ni-MH battery of the NMG type are presented. The authors have developed a spread technique of making both negative and positive electrodes with sheet foam nickel as a conducting support. The influence of the density of both charging and discharging current and the discharge temperature on the discharging characteristics of the power source was studied.
