For citation:
Makarova A. D., Goffman V. G., Gorokhovskii A. V., Tret'yachenko E. V., Vikulova M. A., Morozova N. O., Bainyashev A. M., Kuz'mina V. M., Gonnova Y. A. Impediance spectroscopy of modified potassium titanates. II. Electrochemical Energetics, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 26-32. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2023-23-1-26-32, EDN: VGWMTR
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Impediance spectroscopy of modified potassium titanates. II
Makarova Anna Dmitrievna, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Goffman Vladimir Georgievich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Gorokhovskii Aleksandr Vladilenovich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Tret'yachenko Elena Vasil'evna, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Vikulova Mariya Aleksandrovna, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Morozova Natal'ya Olegovna, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Bainyashev Aleksei Mikhailovich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Kuz'mina Vera Maksatovna, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Gonnova Yana Alekseevna, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
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