ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

кулоновская эффективность

Electrochemical characteristics of lithium-sulfur pouch cells. Effect of compression force of electrode modules

The effect of the electrode sizes, the cell design and the compression force of the electrode modules on the impedance and discharge characteristics of lithium-sulfur cells was studied. It was shown that Swagelok and pouch cells with identical electrodes have different electrochemical characteristics – charge transfer resistance, discharge capacity and cycling duration. It was found that the discharge capacity at the first cycle of Swagelok and pouch cells differs by 20% approximately. The capacity of pouch cells decreases faster during cycling.

NiO/C-based anodes for lithium-ion current sources

Nowadays, the active search for an anode material, which can be used in lithium-ion current sources, takes place. The potential anode materials are transition metal oxides (SnO2, NiO and others). In this work, submicron NiO powder was obtained using the thermal decomposition of Ni(CH3COO)2⋅4H2O. Besides, a NiO/C composite anode was fabricated and its behavior in the anode half-cell of lithium-ion current source was studied during multiple cycling.

Аноды на основе NiO/C для литий-ионных источников тока

В настоящее время ведется активный поиск анодного материала для литий-ионных источников тока (ЛИИТ). Потенциально возможными материалами ЛИИТ являются оксиды переходных металлов (SnO2, NiO и другие). В работе методом термического разложения Ni(CH3COO)2·4H2O получен субмикронный порошок NiO, изготовлен композитный анод NiO/C и изучено его поведение при многократном циклировании в составе анодного полуэлемента ЛИИТ. Показана работоспособность полученного анодного материала и определены его основные энергетические характеристики.

C/SiC-based anodes for lithium-ion current source

Compositions of ultrafine Si and C particles are promising anode materials for lithium-ion power sources with improved energy characteristics. In the work, samples of lithium-ion power sources with an anode made of ultrafine SiC fibers, as well as mixtures of SiC fibers with graphite (C/SiC) and electrolytically deposited submicron silicon fibers (C/Si/SiC) were fabricated and studied for energy characteristics.