"Electrochemical Energetics", 2002, Vol. 2, iss. 3

Dubasova V. S., Makhonina E. V., Pervov V. S., Nikolenko A. F., Politov Y. A., Fialkov A. S.
Behavior of lithium-manganese spinels as a material for the electrodes of lithium-ionic batteries
Bushkova O. V., Lirova B. I., Zhukovskii V. M., Tyutyunnik A. P., Pivovarova N. V.
Phase equilibria in the system poly(butadiene-CO-acrylonitrile) – lithium perchlorate
Komarova O. V., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M.
Influence of carbon dioxide on the performance of natural graphite electrodes for lithium-ionic power sources
Ten'kovtsev V. V., Nersisyan E. P., Nadezhina L. S., Morozova I. V.
Lithium redistribution in nickel-cadmium hermetically-sealed batteries with combined-design electrodes during their cycling
Makarova Y. A., Kazarinov I. A.
Influence of the copper binder on the electrochemical properties of LaNi5-based metal-hydride electrodes