ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

Skundin Aleksandr Mordukhaevich

Skundin Aleksandr Mordukhaevich's picture
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Doctor of Sciences
Academic rank: 
главный научный сотрудник

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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Kulova T. L., Li S. A., Ryzhikova E. V., Skundin A. M. The binder influence on the performance of positive electrodes of lithium-sulfur batteries
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. The role of vinylene carbonate in functioning of lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries
Li S. A., Ryzhikova E. V., Skundin A. M. The Active Materials Ratio in Electrodes of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Optimisation Problems
Kuz'mina A. A., Kudryashova Y. O., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Chekannikov A. A. Degradation Mechanism of Electrodes from Sodium Titanate at Cycling
Gryzlov D. Y., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Andreev V. N., Mel'nikov V. P., Kalinichenko V. N. A Double Layer Supercapacitor for Wide Temperature Range
Mikhailova A. A., Khazova O. A., Skundin A. M. Electrooxidation of Formic Acid at Nanostructural Composites of Palladium and Polyaniline
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Polymer Electrolytes for Sodium-ion Batteries
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. The Problems of Low-temperature Lithium-ion Batteries
Mikhailova A. A., Tuseeva E. K., Zhilov V. I., Khazova O. A., Skundin A. M. Electrooxidation of Formic Acid at Nanostructural Catalysts on the Base of Composites of Nanotubes, Polyelectrolytes, Platinum and Palladium
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. From lithium-ion tо sodium-ion batteries
Grigor'eva O. Y., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Studt of aluminum electrochemical stabikity in electrolytes of sodium-ion batteries
Kulova T. L., Emets V. V., Skundin A. M. The dynamic character of processes taking place at aging of electrodes based on silicon composites
Gryzlov D. Y., Rychagov A. Y., Skundin A. M., Kulova T. L. Study of activated Ener G2 P2-type carbon as material for supercapacitors with nonaqueous electrolyte
Kulova T. L., Astrova E. V., Fedulova G. V., Skundin A. M. Negative electrodes based on regular structured porous silicon for lithium-ion batteries
Galperin V. A., Kitsyuk E. P., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Tuseeva E. K. Silicon electrodes degradation at cycling
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Electrodes of lithium-ion batteries: some simple method for diagnostics of degradation at cycling
Mukhin V. V., Rezvov S. A., Grigor'eva O. Y., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of LiCo1 – x – yMgxTiyO2 (0≤x≤0.036; 0≤y≤0.026)
Osetrova N. V., Skundin A. M. Thermostable membranes for fuel cells
Skundin A. M., Osetrova N. V. Utilization of aluminum in low-temperature chemical power sources
Osetrova N. V., Skundin A. M. Usage of fuel elements in house building
Skundin A. M. Lithium-ion batteries: recent progress and problems
Fateev S. A., Tuseeva E. K., Skundin A. M. Current leads corrosion and the problem of diagnostics of fluorocarbon-lithium cells
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Negative electrodes of the lithium ionic accumulator condescending to the humidity of electrolyte
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. The thin-film lithium-ion batteries
Kulova T. L., Nikol'skaya N. F., Tuseeva E. K., Skundin A. M. The flexible lithium-ion batteries
Kulova T. L., Semenenko D. A., Itkis D. M., Gudilin E. A., Pomerantseva E. A., Grigor'eva A. V., Yashchuk T. B., Skundin A. M., Tret'yakov Y. D. Cathode materials based on vanadium pentoxide for rechargeable batteries
Kanevskii L. S., Skundin A. M., Suntsov A. E. Charging and discharging of the negative electrode of the lithium battery: a study by means of the electrochemical noise method
Komarova O. V., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Influence of carbon dioxide on the performance of natural graphite electrodes for lithium-ionic power sources
Grigor'eva O. Y., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Reversible nature of CO2 influence on lithium passivation
Fateev S. A., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Lithium-fluourocarbon power sources for implanted electrical cardiostimulators
Kachibaya E. I., Imnadze R. A., Paikidze T. V., Karseeva E. I., Korovin N. V., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Structure and electrochemical properties of cobalt-doped lithium-manganese spinels for rechargeable lithium power sources
Lapin N. V., D'yankova N. Y., Kusaev Y. I., Kulova T. L., Karseeva E. I., Skundin A. M. Lithiated cobalt oxides from various precursors: the comparative study of synthesis and electrochemical properties. Part 1. Synthesis of lithium cobaltite
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Nizhnikovskii E. A., Ganshin V. M., Chebyshev A. V., Fesenko A. V. A comparative study of modified oxidized graphite as material for the negative electrode of lithium-ionic cells
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Nizhnikovskii E. A., Ganshin V. M., Chebyshev A. V., Fesenko A. V. Influence of current density on reversible and irreversible processes at lithium-to-graphite intercalation
Brylev O. A., Egorov A. V., Shlyakhtin O. A., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Tret'yakov Y. D. Features of freeze-drying synthesis and electrochemical properties of cathode materials based on Li2CuO2
Kulova T. L., Karseeva E. I., Skundin A. M., Lapin N. V., D'yankova N. Y. Lithiated cobalt oxides from various precursors: The comparative study of synthesis and electrochemical properties. Part 2. Electrochemical properties of lithium cobaltite prepared from cobalt oxide and lithium hydroxide
Skundin A. M. Lithium-ionic batteries: the modern state, problems, and outlook
Gryzlov D. Y., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Study of the reversible electrochemical insertion of lithium into boron
Kornev P. V., Kulova T. L., Kuz'mina A. A., Skundin A. M., Koshel' E. S., Klimova V. M. Neodymium-doped lithium titanate as anode material for lithium-ion batteries
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Renaissance of lithium electrode
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Problems of development of lithium-ion batteries all over the world and in Russia
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Nafion-based solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M. Forecast for usage of germanium in lithium-ion batteries
Skundin A. M., Kudryashova Y. O. XVIII International conference “Current Problems of Energy Conversion in Lithium Electrochemical Systems”, (Sochi (Sirius Federal Territory), October 7–12, 2024)