ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

твердый полимерный электролит

Preparation of polymer electrolytes based on polyurethane elastomer by the swelling method

The search for solvents to prepare polymer electrolytes based on polyurethane elastomer by swelling method was carried out. The greatest swelling was observed in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, and the maximum degree of swelling was reached in 24 hours at 25°C. The swelling effect decreased with increasing the salt concentration. The ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolytes reached the maximum of 6–8·10-4 S/cm at 5 wt% of lithium salt.

Получение полимерных электролитов на основе полиуретанового эластомера методом набухания

Проведён поиск растворителей для получения полимерных электролитов на основе полиуретанового эластомера методом набухания. Наибольшее набухание наблюдается в N-метил-2-пирролидонe, а максимальная степень набухания достигается за 24 часа при 25оС. Эффект набухания уменьшается с ростом концентрации соли. Ионная проводимость полимерных электролитов достигает максимума 6-8·10-4 См/см при 5 мас. % соли лития. Методом гальваностатического циклирования показано, что электролит является обратимым по ионам лития и электрохимически стабилен в области напряжений до 4.8 В.

Nafion-based solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries

The use of solid polymer electrolytes is a novel and promising approach for enhancing the safety of lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries. A number of publications on manufacturing electrolytes with lithium-ion and sodium-ion conductivity based on Nafion-like polymers have appeared in recent decade. The present mini-review analyses various methods of the synthesis of such electrolytes and their properties, as well as the information on laboratory lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries using such electrolytes.

Research of degradation mechanism of the membrane-electrode assemlies of solid polymer water electrolyzer

Concerning performance, safety, reliability and durability issues, the membrane-electrode assembly (MEA) is probably the weakest cell component. Most performance losses and most accidents occurring during PEM water electrolysis are usually due to the MEA. The purpose of this article is to report on specific degradation mechanisms of the MEA and electrolyser in whole.

Effect of the catalyst layers structure on the pem fuel cell perfomance

Using complex models, including the solution percolation problem and electrochemical kinetics calculations are considered the features of a solid polymer fuel cell catalyst layers with a catalyst based on nanoscale carbon materials, including graphene nanowires. These calculations are consistent with the experimental data presented by optimizing the composition of the catalyst layers. It is shown that the addition of 20 wt.\% nanofibres graphene can reduce ohmic losses from the ion current and improve the performance of the fuel cell is 20%

Solid-phase source current based on the electrochemicalsystems lithium--silver oxide

Produced a new lithium power sources based on an electrochemical system Li/Ag2O with a solid polymer electrolyte, investigated his discharge characteristics.