ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

For citation:

Fateev S. A., Putsylov I. A., Smirnov S. E. Glass Carent Lead of Lithium-Fluorocarbon Power Source. Electrochemical Energetics, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 37-?. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2019-19-1-37-47, EDN: WOTMZK

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Glass Carent Lead of Lithium-Fluorocarbon Power Source

Fateev Sergei Anatol'evich, Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Putsylov Ivan Aleksandrovich, Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Smirnov Sergei Evgen'evich, Moscow Power Engineering Institute

The influence of lithium-fluorocarbon glass leads on the stability and preservation, as well as the behavior of differentcurrent leads of insulator is studied. It is shown that the most resistant glass for lithium output is silicon-free glass C62. The behavior of the fluorocarbon cathode current lead (titanium, niobium, molybdenum-rhenium) during storage is investigated. Discovered high corrosion niobium current lead correlation between OCV element and the intensity of corrosion of niobium current lead.


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