ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
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Rychagov A. Y., Vol'fkovich Y. M., Vorotyntsev M. A., Kvacheva L. D., Konev D. V., Krestinin A. V., Kryazhev Y. G., Kuznetsov V. L., Kukushkina Y. A., Mukhin V. M., Sokolov V. V., Chervonobrodov S. P. Perspective Electrode Materials for Super-capacitors. Electrochemical Energetics, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 4, pp. 167-180. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2012-12-4-167-180, EDN: RDNCXL

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Perspective Electrode Materials for Super-capacitors

Rychagov Aleksei Yur'evich, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of A. N. Frumkina of RAS
Vol'fkovich Yurii Mironovich, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of A. N. Frumkina of RAS
Vorotyntsev Mikhail Alekseevich, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS
Kvacheva L. D., JSC Karbonlayt
Konev Dmitrii Vladimirovich, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of A. N. Frumkina of RAS
Krestinin Anatolii Vasil'evich, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS
Kryazhev Yurii Gavrilovich, Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of RAS
Kuznetsov Vladimir L'vovich, Siberian Branch of RAS
Kukushkina Yuliya Aleksandrovna, Physics and Technology Institute of A. F. Ioffe of RAS
Sokolov Vasilii Vasil'evich, Physics and Technology Institute of A. F. Ioffe of RAS

In this review electrochemical and structural data for the electrodes made of certain of perspective materials for supercapacitors are considered. These electrodes were made on the basis of high-dispersed carbon materials. The following materials were used: singlelayer and multilayer carbon nanotubes; reduced oxide of graphene; the carbide type activated carbon; polyacrilonitrile fibers treated by carbonization and activation; the activated carbon fibrous material; the activated carbon cloth; a composite of polyporphirine on carbon black; polyporhine of magnesium, electrodeposited on carbon paper; and a polyaniline composite with the singlelayer nanotubes, electrodeposited on carbon paper. The short review of techniques of synthesis of these electrode materials is presented. Comparison of capactance characteristics of these electrodes for the purpose of the recommendation of their use in certain types of electrochemical supercapacitors is carried out.


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