"Electrochemical Energetics", 2005, Vol. 5, iss. 1

Electrolytes for sources of electrochemical power
Kolosnitsyn V. S., Karaseva E. V., Shakirova N. V., Mochalov S. E., Ivanov A. L.
Effect of sulfur electrode composition on cycling life of Li-S cells
Kolbasov G. Y., Ustinov A. I., Shcherba A. A., Perekos A. E., Danilov M. O., V'yunova N. V., Zakharchenko S. N.
Application of the methods of volumetric electric-spark dispersion for the fabrication Ti-Zr-Ni hydrogen storage alloy
Galushkina N. N., Galushkin N. E., Galushkin D. N.
The investigation of the process of heat acceleration in nickel-cadmium accumulators
Galushkin N. E., Galushkina N. N.
The analysis of the empirical relationships describing the discharge of alkaline accumulators