"Electrochemical Energetics", 2010, Vol. 10, iss. 2

Hydrogen energy
Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M.
Negative electrodes of the lithium ionic accumulator condescending to the humidity of electrolyte
Kamenev Y. B., Chunts N. I., Balushkina S. R.
Potentiodynamic investigation of sulfatation process of negative active mass of lead-acid battery
Smetankin G. P., Radkevich Y. B., "Ob""edkov" Y. I., Matekin S. S., Burdyugov A. S., Plokhova T. V.
The results of comparative research of nickel cadmium accumulators formation with the constant and asymmetric currents
Smetankin G. P., Matekin S. S., Burdyugov A. S., Plokhova T. V.
Research of capacity renewal of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries 10НКГЦ-1.8-1