ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

литий-ионный аккумулятор

Comparative examination of LiyNixCo1-xO2 materials for lithium-ion battery cathodes

A number of LiyNixCo1-xO2 compounds were synthesised by means of solid-state annealing. The synthesis conditions (the raw components, temperature, duration) were optimized so that phases with y > 0.97 were obtained suitable for making positive electrodes for lithium-ionic batteries. The charge-discharge characteristics of such LiyNixCo1-xO2. electrodes were studied.

Lithium-modified manganese oxides as materials for the positive electrode of the lithium batteiy

New phases in the Li2O-MnO2 system were obtained, capable of introducing lithium electrochemically at potentials about 3 V and reversibly. They possess a stable capacity on the level 70-80 mA·hour/g. Due to their low cost, simplicity of synthesis, and high cycling ability, the oxides synthesized show promise as a cathodic material for lithium-ionic batteries.

The thin-film lithium-ion batteries

Modern thin-film lithium-ion batteries are overviewed. Special attention is focused at technology of thin-film electrodes manufacturing.

The lithium – iron phosphate LiFePO4 as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries

The review generalizes the literary data on physical-chemical and electrochemical properties of lithium-iron phosphate connected with perspectives of LiFePO4 use as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries and published up to 2009 inclusive.

The lithium-manganese spinels: the methods of enhancement of their stability and power intensity

The methods of increasing performances of cathode materials based on lithium-manganese spinel are discussed in this review. Next questions are examined: the reasons of LiMn2O4 degradation and the basic variants of problem solving including the doping of spinel matrix by metal cations; the substitution of oxygen in system Li–Mn–O by another anions; the creation of protective shell on the surface of particles; the preparation of different composites. The possibility of working substitution's spinel matrixes in 5 V domain are demonstrated.

Dependence of the electrochemical characteristics of lithium-ion battery in the initial state and after Degradation of the structural parameters of the positive electrode

The study of the internal resistance of the lithium-ion battery designed and manufactured by JSC «Saturn» as the original, and after a long cycle life by pulse chronopotentiometry and electrochemical impedance was carried out. It is shown that the higher the hexagonal ordering of the material and the closer the degree of cation mixing to the optimal value, the less polarization resistance of the battery as original, and after a long cycle life. It was found that the less the original polarization resistance of the battery, the more its cyclic life.

Technological bases of lithium-ion batteries production

It is shown that the performance of lithium-ion battery is significantly affected by the component structure of the electrodes, electrode fabrication technology, forming the battery mode. It is shown that in the production of lithium-ion batteries can be used the following materials: as a binder – polymer dispersion of water-based СНР 500, the negative electrode material – synthetic graphite 131181008–1 brands and 20130905.

Comparison of traditional organic solvents with phosphoric acid esters in lithium-ion and supercapacitor technologies

This work is dedicated to phosphoric acid esters working as solvents for lithium-ion and supercapacitor (SC) electrolyte. The electrical conductivity of electrolytes based on phosphoric acid esters, lithium salts, commonly used in lithium-ion batteries (LIB), and salts used in SC technology was measured. The thermodynamic stability of new electrolytes in comparison with other solvents used in chemical power sources technology was also estimated. It was shown that the thermodynamic stability of phosphoric acid ester increases in a homologous series.
