ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

Электрохимические конденсаторы

Electrochemical behaviour of thiopyrillium and pyridynium heterocyclic structures in contact with q lithium anode

The ivestigations of the behaviour of electrochemical systems organized by direct contact of anode-alkaline metal Li and cathode-organic semiconductor selected from a number of thyopyran derivatives have been carried out. It has been found, that by the contact the transitional layer – electronic dielectric ensuring stable value of electromotive force and performing functions of a unipolar conductor on ions Li+ and in the electrical field is formed.

A stydy of topoelectrochemical processes on the interface of lithium and organic semiconductor by means of galvanostatic tur-on

The investigations of transient processes on lithium-thiopyryllium hexochlorostonnate border by the method of chronopotentiometry have been carried out. The formation of interphase layers with a grain structure has been found. The formation of such layers can control the kinetics of anode and cathode processes. A transient layer performs Li+ ions functions of a unipolar conductor in the electric field and is adequately described by the model of currents limited by a space charge

Mechanization of making active masses for positive electrodes

We have developed a facility that helps to produce positive active material for lamellar oxide-nickel electrodes with expensive raw material loss reduced to a minimum. It has allowed to significantly improve working conditions for those involved in making active material. Having mechanized principal operations we have managed to reduce the cost of production and labour input. This, in turn, has lowered the prime cost of nickel-cadmium storage batteries manufactured at Joint stock Co., open Autonomous Power Sources Plant, Saratov.

The investigation of the efficiency of battery formation processes of lead-acid starter batteries

We have represented the results of the research for the current output (efficiency) of the battery formation for lead-acid starter batteries with the accelerated technology rated for 16 hours of the formation. It is determined, the basic lead sulfates transformed into active material of electrodes mainly during the first 3 hours of process. The neutral lead sulfate transformed into active material mainly during the period between 3 and 6 hours of process. The water electrolysis reaction became primary after 6–7 hours of formation process.

Lithium conducting solid electrolytes in the system Li4 – x- 3yAlyGe1 – xPxO4

New solid electrolytes with highlithium cationic conductivity based on lithium orthogermanate in the system Li4 – x – 3yAlyGe1 – xPxO4 were synthesized and studied. Electrolytes have skeleton structure of the ?-Li3PO4 type. The introdution of Al3+ ions leads to increase of electrolytes conductivity in comparisons with basic system Li4GeO4 – Li3PO4.

Calculation of thermodynamic properties of cobalt (III, IV) oxides and lithium cobaltite

Thermodynamic properties (S0298, H0298-H00, ?H0298, cp(T)) for cobalt oxides Co2O3, CoO2 and LiCoO2 have been found using calculating methods. Obtained values can be applied to calculation of physicochemical properties of the systems where indicated compounds are components.

Low temperature electric conductivity the irradiated wet porous glass

The contribution of proton conductivity to a superficial current not irradiated and irradiated scale in quantum of an isotope source 60Cо wet samples porous corundum silicate glasses in an interval of temperatures 200–380 K. It is revealed significant increase of size of a superficial current with a maximum was investigated at 306–310 K, which after an irradiation extends aside low temperatures to proportionally doze.

Advanced non-destructive methods for state-of-charge diagnostics of the industrial and pilot lithium coin cells

It was established one-, two and three-factor regression dependencies among discharge capacity С, short-circuit current I (SC), open circuit voltage U (OCV), internal resistance (Ri) and mass (m) for polynomials of a degree n(n = 1–4) in all sampling. The discharge capacity of ``fresh'' cell's forecasts a little bit better than after their long storage and magnitude of standard deviations for ``fresh'' CR2325 (2.5%) differ from ``old'' cells approximately twice (5.5%).

Discharge of alkaline batteries

It is shown that the correlations of Romanov and Shepherd–Dasoyan are equivalent under description of discharge curves of alkaline accumulators in the interval of discharge voltages from the beginning to 1 V and any ones used for the particular accumulators of discharge currents. However under low discharge voltages the correlation of Shepherd–Dasoyan describes the direction of discharge curve correctly while the correlation of Romanov gives false results.

Kinetics of processes in the lanthanum-based LiLaAl/LiClO4/MnO2, system at potentiodynamic cycling

In present work the lithium diffusion was investigated to LiAl- and MnO2-electrodes, modified by La. With this purpose Al and MnO2 was worked up by cathodiе incorporation method in aprotic organic solutions of sulfanilate lanthanum. The next cyclization of electrodes to lithium perchlorate solution was making in potentiodynamic conditions.
