ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

Электрохимические конденсаторы

Mathematic simulation of current generating processes and analysis of porous electrode operating efficiency

With mathematical methods of description of macrokinetic processes in the volume of porous electrodes the investigation of influence of kinetic and structural characteristics of electrode-comprising materials to the process of current generation was performed. The nonuniformity of current generation distribution as well as the level of polarization loss are significantly determined by correlation of electric conduction values of solid phase components and electrolyte.

Criteria and mechanism of capacity and pseudocapacity charge accumulation in activated carbon in view of its nanoporous structure and electronic structure

The relation between porous structure, electronic properties of carbonaceous material and the capacitance of its interface with an electrolyte is discussed. The sizes of the pores in which the processes of capacitive and pseudocapacitive charge accumulation dominate are determined.

Behavior of Small Lithium-ion Batteries During Overcharge

Safety level of small commercial Lithium-Ion cells with LiCoO2 as cathode material during overcharge was investigated. Conditions and possible mechanism of autocatalytic rise of temperature and pressure inside the battery were discussed.

SOFC and SOFC-based power systems: state-of-the-ost and outlook

Applications of superionic conductors in solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) were considered. A promising direction is the distributed power. Electrochemical current generators come to direct consumers of electric power, who operate the generators as required by their power consumption plan. As a result, the power is reasonably saved and the fuel is used efficiently. SOFC provide highly efficient direct conversion of the chemical energy of the fuel to electricity. Any hydrocarbons can be used as fuel in SOFC.

Electrochemical properties of activated carbon in alkaline electrolyte

We have studied the capacitance and kinetic properties of nanoporous carbon material which was obtained from wood. The maximum radius pore distribution of the investigated material was 1.37 nm. The data from X-ray scattering and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to investigate the influence of porous structure change and electronic structure of activated carbon material on the mechanism and kinetics of charge-discharge at 7.6m KOH solution.

The properties of active carbon materials in double layer super capacitors in the electrolyte based on the mi[ture of acetjnitrile-tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate) borate

The efficiency of the electrolyte based on the mixture of acetonitrile – tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate)borate with the concentration of the latter 0.7 mol/kg in double layer supercapacitors has been shown. Electrochemical properties of active carbon materials Norit DLC Supra 30 and Kausorb-212 have been investigated in supercapacitor samples of disk construction in 2016 dimensions using potentiodynamic and galvanostatic methods.

The cjncentration effects of the conductive fillers in the carbon-carbon electrodes of the electrochemical capacitor

Recent experimental results on the electrical and electrochemical properties of carbon-carbon electrodes of electrochemical capacitors (supercapacitors) are discussed. The dependence of electronic conductivity, specific capacity and the equivalent series resistance on the concentration and nature of the conductive filler is revealed: carbon black PA-76, carbon fibers VGCF grown in vacuum.

Perspective Electrode Materials for Super-capacitors

In this review electrochemical and structural data for the electrodes made of certain of perspective materials for supercapacitors are considered. These electrodes were made on the basis of high-dispersed carbon materials.

Dye Sensitized Solar Cell on the basis of nano-crystallized titanium dioxide as converters of solar energy

The solar power is one of the most attractive energy sources from all types of renewable energy sources. Nowadays, the conversation of sunlight to electrical power by using of photoelectrochemical cells is the promising functional approach. In the given article we consider the operation principles of these devices. The issues of possible replacement of widely used mediators on the basis of iodide/triiodide redox electrolyte, possessing a number of shortcomings, on new redox mediators on the basis of transitional metals complexes are discussed.

Pyrolized polyacrylonitrile as a feasible electrode material for electrochemical power sources

In the current paper electrospun nanofiber mats were derived from polyacrylonitrile (PAN). The temperature influence on the volumetric and surface composition of the resulting pyropolymers was studied by means of elemental analysis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
